A standard page covering non-liability, ownership and copyright, and setting limits on consensual use. Any conditions attached to using the offer go first:
You pledge on your life to NEVER use Subtractor funnels for evil.
You MAY point Subtractor funnels at transaction pages without asking, and cut deals once there’s traffic.
You CAN use Subtractor funnels to will “conceptual” business into being.
You MUST accept responsibility for anything that goes wrong using them.
You SHOULD show people who need them HOW SIMPLE THEY ARE.
By using the site, you consent to the Privacy and Data policy and its limits on disclosure of any personal or device-related data you generate.
Terms as published at the time of use apply, and by using the site, you agree to the latest version.
By using the site, you agree not to hold the owner or provider liable for any damages or injury related to using it, or any of its offerings.
This site and its owner are bound by the laws of the Province of Ontario and the Dominion of Canada, in precedence over others.
All original content under Creative Commons Zero. Images are the property of their respective owners. See author page for contact about image rights.